He sought among the branches what was only available in the roots
Mesmerising sways of leafy wonder in the wind
Pretty fragrant blooms caught his eye and bound his senses
Ready reds and passionate purples
Yielding to sun and soaking up morning dews
He gave no thought to the roots buried deep
That sustained all he was transfixed with
The roots were not pretty yet
The tangled winding mass underground
Was the soul that fed all that was luscious, succulent, ripe
Roots twisted by drought because she refused to die each time
She was abandoned – Rather she extended herself further
In every direction to find sweet sustenance
Roots though feeling the weight of the world
Blood spilt and associated guilt
She drew minerals and nutrients – Vital for survival and wellbeing
Keeping her beauty in her calm
Satisfaction, knowing and contentment – The essence of every floral smile
Roots containing every good thing – Housing her climbing ambition
Tenaciously negotiating obstacles – Nothing impossible
Loving herself long before loving
The 'idea' of other people loving her could take hold
Like a fungal rot
Refusing uninformed opinions of who and what
She should be
Avoiding prime conditions for colonisation and proliferation
With the potential to
Permeate her fibrous structure
Causing decay
Fascinated ONLY by her branches – He left when
Her seasons changed
Her boughs looked barren – And she offered no shade
Supposing her dead and useless
He left and missed out on her greatest gift...
The power of regeneration
With strengthened attributes
The promise of renewal
Found only in her roots
Nairobi Thompson © 2018
