Though I speak precisely I am not understood
Hearers are confused by my eloquence and
My refusal to yield not one second
To their arrogance
Preoccupied by resistance to my intelligence
They interrupt my articulate delivery
Just to see who’s pulling my puppet strings
And fail to listen
As I am neither angry nor weeping
My expressions fall outside their spectrum of conceiving
Their inability to comprehend
Causes them pain-in-the-chest panic
They are perplexed by my confidence
Perturbed by the pride I find
In melanated beauty
Scrambling to understand how
I found out I was awesome
They work at openly disrespecting me
Yet secretly...
I am every Black Woman they fantasise about
Yearning for the 'good old days' when they would leave
Resentful, frigid, prim and proper wives
In dead of night to visit me
And sadistic ears hear honey in my screams
I am every Black Woman they despise for
Having the audacity to rise
As if I belong in the heavens
With feet too royal
To touch the ground
I am every Black Woman rightfully reclaiming my time
Calling them to answer for their crimes
Showing not a lick of fear
While exposing their lies
Telling them to get out of my way
So that I can continue my ascent unobstructed
Bringing my people with me
Nairobi Thompson © 2017
Excerpt fm 'Reclaiming My Time'
Inspired by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif) Reclaiming her time from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin - 'Don't waste my finite and allotted time telling me how great I am, just answer the question. Awesome Aunty Maxine!'
